September 20, 2024 3:18 pm

Terms and Conditions


Page No- 1.

A news agency is an organization that gathers news reports and sells them to subscribing news organizations, such as newspapers, magazines and radio and television broadcasters. A news agency may also be referred to as a wire service, newswire, or news service.

UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY is a proprietorship concern, a news agency working under its proprietor Sh. Shashi Kumar, a prominent, experienced journalist. It operates from 18th September 2013. It is dealing in News reporting, Advertisements, Press conferences and editorials. Universal NEWS AGENCY is also known as UNA and its website is UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY is a registered trademark also.

Terms of use of the website “” is Worldwide News Agency of Print and Electronic Media services provided by Universal News Agency. Through its website terms and conditions of use govern by Universal News Agency and is available online from time to time (herein refered to “Services”).

While using the website the user must be agreeing to abide by the terms of use policy of Universal News Agency. If user do not agree to the terms of use of policy of the Universal News Agency user cannot use the services of Universal News Agency. Universal News Agency has full and final right and capacity to take decision of modification in its terms of use and reserves the right to any kind of change, deletion or additon in Terms of Use any time. If somebody is using services of Universal News Agency has to put his/her aceptance of agreeing to the terms of Use.

Mr Shashi Kumar, Chairperson, Universal News Agency is the owner of all contents of the website “” including articles, musical compositions and sound recordings, data, reports, information, images, design, various editorials, media reports etc. Using the website is subject to Terms of Use Agreement.
Trade Marks / Service Marks
The website / Services may contain trademarks of Universal News Agency or that of their respective
Owners (the “Marks”). The domain name for the Website, including, without limitation, “”, are trademarks, logos, and website of UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY. All other trademarks, product names, or logos, whether registered or not, on the Website are the property of UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY or their respective owners.

The logo is protected by trademark under intellectual property laws. Unauthorized use of the Content may violate trademark, and other laws. No one can acquire ownership rights to any content, document or other materials viewed through the Site. The posting of information or materials on the Site does not constitute a waiver of any right in such information and materials.

UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY does not knowingly accept unsolicited submissions, submissions of scripts, story lines, articles, characters, drawings, information, suggestions, ideas or concepts. UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY has a policy to simplify the contents of information uploaded on the website. Third party content may appear on the website or may be accessible via links from the website. UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY is not responsible for and assume no liability for any mistakes, misstatements, defamation, omissions, falsehood, obscenity, or profanity in the statements, opinions, representations or any other form of content on the website. All persons who use the websites are required to understand that the information and opinions in the third party content represent solely the thoughts of the author/ third party content provider and is neither endorsed by nor does it necessarily reflect belief of UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY..

UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY does not represent or warrant that the Site will be error-free, free of viruses or other harmful components, or that defects will be corrected. UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY does not represent or warrant that the information available on or through the website will be correct, accurate, timely or otherwise reliable. UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY may make changes to the features, functionality or content of the website at anytime. UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY reserves the right in sole discretion to edit or delete any documents, information or other content appearing on the website.

User may use the Website or the Services only for their internal, personal, non-commercial purposes provided in each case that user must retain all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices contained in the original Content on any copy, user make of the Content. Except as otherwise expressly stated herein, user may not alter, modify, copy, distribute (for compensation or otherwise), transmit, display, perform, reproduce, reuse, post, publish, license, frame, download, store for subsequent use, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information or Content obtained from the Website, in whole or in part, including any text, images, audio, and video in any manner, without the prior written authorization of UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY or any applicable third party suppliers. Any unauthorized use of text or images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and applicable regulations and statutes. The use of the Content on any other web site or in a networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited except as specified in these Terms of Use.
Requests for permission or contacting UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY in writing at

ADDRESS: – UNA, CEO Office – Shikham Complex, Baba Nagri Kharigawa, Kamour-821106
Tel No.: E-Mail:
Reg. Office-H.N.-1559, Sector -5, R.K. Puram
New Delhi-110022
If user violate any of provision of this Terms of Use Agreement, user’s permission to use the website and the services automatically terminates and user must immediately destroy any copies user have made of the Content.

Restrictions and Prohibitions on Use
Access and use of the website / services and any content therein are subject to the following restrictions and prohibitions on use:

User may not
(a) copy, print (except for the express limited purpose permitted by aforementioned clause), republish, display, distribute, transmit, sell, rent, lease, loan or otherwise make available in any form or by any means all or any portion of the website or any content and materials retrieved from it;
(b) use the Site or any materials obtained from the website to develop, of as a component of, any information, storage and retrieval system, database, information base, or similar resource (in any media now existing or hereafter developed), that is offered for commercial distribution of any kind, including through sale, license, lease, rental, subscription, or any other commercial distribution. mechanism;
(c) Create compilations or derivative works of any Content and Materials from the website;
(d) use any content from the Site in any manner that may infringe any copyright, intellectual property right, proprietary right, or property right of us or any third parties;
(e) Remove, change or obscure any copyright notice or other proprietary notice or terms of use contained in the website;
(f) Make any portion of the website available through any time sharing system, service bureau, the Internet or any other technology now existing or developed in the future;
(g) Remove, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any software or use any network monitoring or discovery software to determine the website architecture;
(h) Use any automatic or manual process to harvest information from the website;
(1) Use the Site in a manner that violates any law and regulation.


Advertisements / Third Party Service Providers
The Website may contain advertisements and / or sponsorships. User understand that Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that any content or material submitted for inclusion on the website is accurate and complies with applicable laws. UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY is not responsible for the illegality or any error, inaccuracy or problem in the advertiser’s or sponsor’s materials. UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY may allow access to or advertise certain third-party product or service providers (“Third Party Service Providers”) to provide certain services (“links”) on the website.

User agree to indemnify, defend and hold UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY, its partners, agents, officers, directors, employees, subcontractors, successors, assigns, third party suppliers of information and documents, advertisers, product and service providers, and affiliates (collectively, “Affiliated Parties”) harmless from any liability, loss, claim and expense related to violation of this Agreement or use of the website.

Limitation of Liability:
For information obtained from Third Party Content Providers, user are solely responsible for compliance with copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights and restrictions and are referred to publication data appearing in bibliographic citations, as well as to the copyright notices appearing in the original publications.

UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY shall have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor the content of UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY, to determine compliance with this Agreement and any operating rules established by UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY and to satisfy any law, regulation or authorized government request.

UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY respects the rights of all copyright holders and in this regard, UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY has adopted and implemented a policy that provides for the termination in appropriate circumstances of subscribers and account holders who infringe the rights of copyright holders.
User agree to comply with all applicable domestic and international laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations regarding use of the Website and the Content and Materials provided therein.

Governing Law:
These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of Incia and the Courts at shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of the Terms of use, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws.


UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY, in its sole discretion, may terminate user access to the website / services, and remove and discard any content that user have posted on the website, for any reason, including, without limitation, for lack of use or if UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY, in its sole opinion, believes that user has violated or acted inconsistently with the Terms of Use of this Agreement or that user is a repeat infringer of intellectual property rights.

There are several different associations of news agencies. The major news agencies generally prepare hard news stories and feature articles that can be used by other news organizations with little or no modification, and then sell them to other news organizations. They provide these articles in bulk electronically through wire services (originally they used telegraphy; today they frequently use the Internet). Corporations, individuals, analysts, and intelligence agencies may also subscribe.
UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY Correspondents are also based in four metropolitan cities of India (DELHI, MUMBAI, KOLKATA AND CHENNAI).
UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY started working in 14 September 2013 and Stared Functioning 2014 To Day After One Year Of its Service. UNA Can Well and Truly Take Pride in The Legacy Of its Work, and in its Contribution One Wards The Building Of Free and Fair Press in World On its,
At Universal News Agency we are focused on providing Best Quality services with the highest levels of customer satisfaction – we will do everything we can to meet everyone’s expectations.
With a variety of offerings to choose from, we’re sure everyone will be happy working with us. Look around our website and if someone have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. Check back later for new updates to our website. There’s much more to come.

Funds:- The agencies may raise funds from the followings sources :>
1) Shares Subscription on Share Capital
2) Loan from Govt. / Bank / or other sources
3) Deposited contribution from Members
4) Donations and Grants

Shares :- The share capital of the Agency shall consists of 2500 shares of Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten Thousand only) each payable in a lumsum or in installments as may be decided by agency of CEO or Managing Committee. No members shall be allowed to hold shares in excess 100 the issued shares. The Members in default of shares shall not be initiated to vote at General or Managing Committee meetings and they may not to participate in the Business of the agency.
Share Certificate :- A member shall be initiated to a certificate under the common seal of the Agency issued by CEO or authorized members.

Transfer of Shares:- No Member shall transfer any share held by him. The transfer is made to a member approved by CEO and Managing Committee.
Every Members shall pay membership fee of Rs. 15000(fifteen thousand only) and taken at list one share in the agency.

The major news agencies generally prepare hard news stories and feature articles that can be used by other news organizations with little or without modification, and then sell them to other news organizations. They provide these articles in bulk electronically through wire services (originally they used telegraphy; today they frequently use the Internet). Corporations, individuals, analysts, and intelligence agencies may also subscribe.

The terms and conditions for the day to day functioning and assoication with UNIVERSAL NEW AGENCY are as under:
Agency’s working:
a) To receive News from reporters; b) Upload the news on its website;
c) Sale the news to the various news agenices;
MANAGEMENT: Working of management is defined as under:
1. ASSOCIATE: There shall be 40 associate members in the organisation, 10 associate each from four Metropolitan Cities, (DELHI, MUMBAI, KOLKATA AND CHENNAI). Associate will add 20 Member per month, give advise to the committee.
2. EDITORS: There shall be 4 editors each from metropolitan cities, who correct/edit the news received from State Bureau Chief.
3. STATE BUREAU CHIEF: Will lead all the district of the state, will appoint reporters, receive news from them and check the news therafter forward news to UNVIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY,
4. REPORTERS’ working is as follows:
i) Coliect the news from concerned District Megistrate for various planings and development of the area;
ii) Collect the news from concerned Police Department regarding various crimes as well as law and order situation of the area;
iii) Collect the news Health Department regarding situation of health and medical facilities of the administration of the area.
iv) Collect the political development and happenings of the area and shall be in touch with the political parties for the area, shall get interviews and news;
v) Collect the social activities news from the area;

vi) Collect the news regarding education, sports, skill development and employment of the area
REMUNERATION:- Remuneration of the concerned person shall be decided from time to time as per policy of the Administration.
ABSENT FROM DITTY: If reporter absents without notice or intimation on any day, the day shall be treated as absent from duty and the day shall be treated as unpaid. If the agent remains absent for continue three days, he shall deems to be left the job and the bureau has right to appoint another person in his place.
PROCUREMENT OF ADVERTISEMENTS: All persons who are on the major posts of Universal News Agency, must have to procure 20 Advertisements per month, to add new readers and shall share news as well.
REGIONAL OFFICES: Universal News Agency shall open its offices in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.


Appointment UNIVERSAL NEWS AENCY appoints ASSOCIATE MEMBERS, EDITORS, BUREAU CHIEFS AND REPORTERS to discharge their day to day duties and for smooth working of the agency for the sale and delivery of news, advertisements etc. on UNA portal behalf in the Territory on the terms of this agreement.

I have read the above details and agreed to the terms and conditions.
